Something odd
Monday, May 14, 2007
Something that happens as we grow up and start to work and do things on our own is that we start to realize how little we understood even months before. I can look back to the beginning of this school year alone and point out things that I did not know. Just little things and stupid stuff. For example I did not know that you are supposed to use low beams in fog. Even over a year I feel older, more knowledgeable. Perhaps it has something to do with graduating and working at thirsties. A friend and I were thinking about moving in together, now that it may actually happen it's weird. I just don't know but looking back time has gone so incredibly fast. It has slipped away like grains of sand as many older folk will tell you. I myself have a small grasp on that feeling. I feel like my freshman year was only weeks ago not years. I am glad to be moving on and to be learning about the 'real world'. However I am sad at the same time to be leaving and having to start anew.


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